
Many kids can perform very well after they actually get rolling with a task; but they have trouble getting started.  Why is it so hard for some kids to begin?  Parents and/or teachers may find that they have to continually prompt some kids to get going, while others independently begin tasks.  The most important piece to understand is that these kids are not unmotivated!  Instead, their brains are not cooperating.  Teaching them to break through the resistance they feel and become hopeful about taking first steps can be critical to their overall success.

  • Learn to recognize and label resistance.
  • Recognize, label, and confront tendency to get distracted.
  • Use verbal mediation as a tool for guiding oneself toward beginning work.
  • Set a realistic goal from the beginning.
  • Take on one piece or chunk at a time.
  • Reward oneself for reaching goals.
  • Learn to take steps for making social plans.
  • Understand the role of anxiety in getting stuck.